Guy McBride Dabbs, Jr. (11/16/1932 – 2/06/2003)

his first memories of riding the school bus to school in Mayesville are filled
with the wonder and distractions he found walking up the long dirt road back to
his home every day. “It really is something what a little boy can
do on a dirt road. I had a small pine
thicket that I used to have a house in and made all kinds of plans there. Sometimes it took me at least an hour to
cover that half mile.” From the very
beginning he was attracted to dirt roads away from home.
Mac started driving his father’s
’39 Plymouth
when he was 9 years old. In the 9th
grade his mother wanted him to go to school in Sumter .
He did not want to go, but agreed to go if he could have a motorcycle. His father bought him a police Harley
Davidson from the Sumter Police Department and that’s what he arrived to school
on his first day in Sumter ,
wearing a leather helmet and jacket. “Country
boy comin’ to town.” It’s the only time
he thought his mother
might actually leave his father. The summer after he graduated from high
school he started flying lessons at the Sumter Airport
and his hitch-hiking career. He and
Jimmy Potter ventured first to places in South Carolina ,
but in the summer of ’51 they went all the way to Key West
where they got round-trip tickets to Cuba for $26.
Mac attended Clemson in 1950 and
transferred to USC-Columbia the next year.
While at Clemson he met Frances (Tic) Stroman (4/30/1931 – 1/13/2002)
after having been set-up on a blind date with her and then backing out before
he found out she was the best looking girl on Winthrop Campus. They were married in 1952, promising both of
their parents that they’d finish school and not have any children right
away. They kept their promise. In 1953 Mac went to ROTC Camp at MacDill AFB
in Tampa , Florida ,
and then received his commission in January of 1955. He was in the Air Force flying planes. For the next five years Mac and Frances would
have two children and move several times from one assignment to the next with
the Air Force. His enthusiasm in
describing the various planes he was flying and the people that they met during
these years is infectious. Here he
discovered golf.
In 1960 Mac resigned and returned to the
Crossroads to farm with his Dad. Young Mac and his father were not a good
combination as business partners. Mac,
Sr., had very specific ideas and expectations on how farming should be done and
he was critical of young Mac’s abilities and ideas. Mac wanted to try tomatoes
and string beans. They failed. His Dad told him to stick to tobacco, corn
and cotton. Mac
wanted to build a golf course. His Dad thought it was a terrible idea. Why would anyone get involved with another
career where success depended on the weather?
Mac and Frances began by living in the same home with his mother and father,
but in 1962 built a three bedroom ranch on the other side of the pool. Before long they had moved into Sumter . Young Mac retreated
to the Air Guard and then the Army Guard to get away from the farm and continue
to fly, but he was having bouts of depression and sought treatment at
Duke. In 1964 he went to Helicopter School in Mineral Wells, TX, and there
intensified his desire to build a golf course.
The depression came and went and Mac struggled for years through intense
periods of euphoria and devastating lows.
In 1969 a new medication seemed to bring Mac consistent relief from the
bouts of depression he was having.
In 1970 his golf course became a reality on
I-95 at the intersection of Highway 378.
Pineland Plantations Golf Course became a family business and while Mac
continued with some farming, Frances and the children ran the golf course with
Mac finding the time he spent there far better than any time on the farm. In 1982 he stopped farming completely and was
again licensed for his medical to fly, having not flown since 1969. He and Frances and the kids were up and
flying again and he invested in one-half interest in a Cessna 172 that cruised
at 120 mph. Next he started building an
air strip east of his father’s house.
Years that followed included fond
memories of many motorcycle trips and plane trips with various members of the
family. Everyone had a

Frances Storman Dabbs
4/30/1931 – 1/13/2002
motorcycle and everyone knew how to fly a
plane. Interestingly enough, ten of the Dabbs descendents have gotten their
pilot licenses. A fascination with
planes runs deep in the family.
In 1994 tragedy struck when Frances began
to show signs of Alzheimer’s at the young age of 62. For the next eight years, Mac became a
devoted caretaker of his wife and was by her side daily as her health
deteriorated. During the last several months
when it was finally necessary to move her to a nursing home, Mac was often
there nights to spend the night with her, saying that when he held her in his
arms in the dark it was as if everything was normal again.
After Frances ’s death Mac became a volunteer
for Hospice and made daily visits to individuals in the hospital. In fact, he was in the hospital just leaving
after a visit to a friend. He was
standing by the elevator when his heart stopped. “Those
Dabbses sure know how to die.” With
the exception of nine years, Mac Dabbs, Jr., lived his entire life in the Sumter area. His funeral was the largest I have ever seen
at Brick Church , with even the balcony
filled. His children quoted a saying he
had placed on each of their refrigerators. “Spend a day at home and live another day
you won’t remember. Take a trip and you’ll create a memory that lasts a
lifetime.” He most certainly created a lifetime of