I have tried in vain to identify countless pictures which were left without the benefit of names on them. Some of them are eloquent and deserve to be known. Unfortunately, far too many remain a mystery. Every glimmer I got into the character of “Uncle Stin” (Stanilaus Hoole) made me want to know this man more; and yet, no one ever remembers seeing a picture of him, nor could they identify him among the countless anonymous photos. So, I have picked my three favorites for obvious reasons. I do believe that one of these is Uncle Stin. You decide. (Click photos to enlarge.)
Point of interest, his headstone at Brick Church is the only one in the row of Dabbses that is facing backwards, because it was the first one in the row to be placed. Originally, it was felt that the individual reading the name on the stone should be facing the church while they read. This was later reversed, so that the name on the stone was facing the church. _____________________________